Roasted Bison Tenderloin Scalloped Potatoes and Peas

Meat and Potatoes. That’s as American as…shopping malls and immobilized cars parked in front yards. In this case the meat being Bison Tenderloin and the potatoes being… potatoes (along with a truck load of Cream and Parmesan)

Clarified butter has a much higher smoke point than butter. When I say ‘smoke point’, think of yourself swatting (and missing) the smoke detector with a broom handle while your house turns into a B-movie set from Dante’s Inferno.

To clarify butter, put a sick or two in a small pan over medium heat. The butter will melt and separate into it’s component parts: butterfat, water and milk solids. When the popping sound stops (water evaporating off), scoop the white foam off the top (milk solids) and you are left with the butterfat. Resist the urge to put this on everything (including people walking by).

No one can refuse Scalloped Potatoes. They are the Bacon of the root vegetable world. Thin layers interspersed with Cream and Parmesan. If you are feeling gutsy, pour some of that Clarified Butter in there. No one can live forever.

3 replies on “Roasted Bison Tenderloin Scalloped Potatoes and Peas”

  1. you can also clarify butter by microwaving it … only takes about a minute.

    I believe the Indian version ‘Ghee’ is often slightly fermented before churned into butter and the butter is browned to give the final clarified liquid a slightly smokey/browned taste.

  2. Can you please tell me where your source is for Bison? I have been looking, and wondering if I am in all the wrong places. Thanks so much the dish looks fantastic as does all your pics.

  3. Thunderheart Bison, I can’t say enough good things about them. They sell at SFC Farmers’ Markets downtown on Saturday and at the Triangle on Wednesday. Also, Wheatsville has their products. Eat On!

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